 the pool


  1. The 九州体育平台入口 (CHC) aquatics personnel, management, staff, or lifeguard may expel any patron who does not conform to the rules listed herein or posted in the area. 
  2. Persons are not permitted on the deck until CHC Aquatic staff has checked pool chemicals 以及安全隐患设施. 
  3. Walkways, doorways and pool line of site should not be obstructed by swimmer gear, 储存卷轴、水球网等.
  4. The pool should be put back to its original state found by the group last using the 游泳池(盖、旗子、球道线). 
  5. All persons afflicted or suspected of being afflicted with an infectious or communicable disease, suffering from a cough, cold, fever, sores or open cuts are not to be permitted 在泳池里.  泳池内不允许使用绷带. 
  6. 需要适当的泳衣. t恤、牛仔裤、街头布或棉质布料  是不允许的. 
  7. Breathholding is limited to one breath one time or one lap one time. 
  8. All swimmers must be potty trained; no diapered children allowed 在泳池里.
  9. Eating, chewing gum and drinking are not permitted 在泳池甲板上. 瓶装水 is ok.
  10. Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol or drug use is strictly prohibited at CHC. Smoking is allowed in only designated area adjacent to aquatics center parking lot.
  11. Anyone participating in lap swim must be able to complete a length across the pool unassisted. Children under the age of 14 must have a parent in the facility.
  12. CHC绕行游泳时间为绕行游泳或水上运动. CHC圈的参与者 游泳者禁止提供指导或课程.
  13. 禁止在泳池内或泳池甲板上随地吐痰或小便. 
  14. Running, pushing shoving, horse play and other high risk behavior is prohibited.
  15. Glass, sharp metal objects or toys 是不允许的 in the aquatics center.
  16. 动物和宠物不得进入游泳中心. 经认证的服务犬 适当的文书工作是个例外.
  17. Bicycles, skates or skateboards are not permitted in the aquatics facility.
  18. Banners, posters, signs, or any other forms of advertisement of any kind are not permitted 未经CHC管理层事先批准.
  19.  Any acts of vandalism to the facility or school is a crime and will be treated as such. 这包括在池底写字.
  20. The renter, user, or group utilizing the facility is responsible to protect the facility 免受损害. If damage occurs for any reason, the user may be responsible for the 维修费用. 费用由CHC决定.
  21. CHC不对丢失、损坏或被盗物品负责. CHC水上运动中心 不维护失物招领处吗. 贵重物品(钥匙、钱包、手机等.) 会被交给校园警察吗.
  22. If the lights fail during morning darkness or at night the pool must close immediately.
  23. 最大容量为247人.


  1.  Swimmers may not be in the water when any covers are on the pool.
  2. When taking covers/lane lines off and putting cover on the reels MUST be locked into 放置在安全的地方,并符合生产指南.
  3.  When removing or placing covers on the pool the person should not have any loose 物品(例如:衣服、绳子或毛巾).
  4. All reels for pool covers and lane lines must be pushed back in their storage position 待在那里,直到使用的时候.
  5. After cover/lane line reels are being used reels must be covered.
  6. Covers are to be on the pool unless instructed otherwise by CHC personnel.


  1. Coaches are responsible for knowledge of CHC Aquatic Center rules and policies for 他们小组的参与者. 这是指导员或教练的责任 负责执行规章制度.
  2. All swimmers/athletes shall be under the direct supervision of a certified lifeguard, 美国游泳或美国水球教练. 教练应该有自己的 coaching identification with them to present to CHC staff, health inspectors or officials 如果请求.
  3. Participants may not enter the Aquatic Center until accompanied by a coach from their 组织.
  4. Parents and spectators are restricted to the bleacher or grass area and are not permitted 在泳池甲板上.


  1. 不允许在泳池边跳水. 所有泳池边的入口必须是脚 first.
    1. Exception: Supervised diving instruction as part of formal instruction or training.
  2. The starting blocks are to be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified 指导员或教练. 


  1. The pool will remain open unless the lifeguard/coach cannot see the across or the bottom of the pool due to rain, fog or other weather conditions.
  2. The pool will be closed immediately in the case of thunder and lighting, the pool may not reopen until 30 minutes after the last thunder or lightning occurrence.


  1. 18岁以下的人不得使用更衣室.
  2. 只有CHC的学生和员工可以进入更衣室.
    1. 例外是YST Morning Masters 
  3. 更衣室里不允许吃东西. 
  4. CHC不对丢失、破损或被盗物品负责.
  5. CHC students and staff using lockers must give access to locker to CHC Aquatics Staff.
  6. Personal items of CHC students and staff may be kept in lockers for day use.
  7. Personal items of CHC students and staff may be kept overnight or for a semester under 特殊情况下.
    1. Overnight or semester use must be cleared by aquatics center staff.
    2. The user must provide their name, phone number, locker number lock combination or key and reason for requesting overnight/semester use of locker. 
    3. 学期结束时,必须移除物品.
  8. Lockers not cleared for overnight use will have the locks cut and items placed in 失物招领处.
  9. All lockers being used for CHC students and staff must have a lock on. 锁是 用户的责任.
  10. No illegal substances or items, drugs, firearms, knives, matches, lighters or any item that can cause injury, death, or destruction to a person or the facility will 允许进入更衣室. 
  11. 储物柜检查应定期进行并记录.  用户将收到通知并必须 允许CHC进入他们的储物柜. 
  12. CHC will assume the locker is abandoned if denied access or if user is not present 检查储物柜.
  13. 被遗弃的储物柜将成为CHC的财产. 储物柜到最后都没清理干净 将被视为放弃. 在更衣室发现的物品或遗弃的物品 储物柜将放在失物招领处.  失物招领处无人认领的物品 将被处理掉. 
  14. 更衣室淋浴在使用后必须关闭.
  15. The locker rooms can become very slippery and should be accessed with extreme caution.